Customer Experience

Practice example: With the voice of the customer to a top customer support

How to use customer feedback to double customer satisfaction and reduce costs: An example at on-site services.

3 min
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Service technician Max makes his way with suitable spare parts

Excellent on-site services are essential drivers for good customer relationships. They promote high customer satisfaction and, thus, loyalty. Would you like to learn how to quickly and easily optimize customer experience around on-site services?

Let's take Max as an example. He is a service technician at a service center for printers/copiers. We will show you how customer feedback leads to increased customer satisfaction and cost savings.

Max receives a call from the main office that there is a problem with the printer tray at the XY company. With suitable spare parts, he makes his way to the XY company.

At the destination, the young manager welcomes him and takes him to the printer. Max quickly realizes that the printer feeder is inserted incorrectly and that the printer does not need to be repaired.

He briefly communicates this to the person responsible for management and shows him how to handle the printer feeder correctly.

1. Obtain feedback

After the problem was solved, Max hands over the service report to the manager and invites him to send his feedback to the company via QR code on the report. He then says goodbye and leaves.

The manager holds his smartphone camera on the QR code and is directed to a short survey. He expresses his satisfaction with Max's work, but still gives a poor rating for the support services. He writes: «I could have been told on the phone how to solve the problem myself! If I had known that, no technician would have been needed to come!».

2. Respond immediately

The manager receives a real-time notification of the negative feedback from XY company. He first contacts Max to understand what has happened. Max explains the situation.

The manager immediately calls the manager of XY company and thanks him/her for the valuable feedback which helps to improve the customer support. He apologizes for the fact that the problem could have been solved faster.

3. Optimize quickly: Save costs, increase customer satisfaction

The manager is now taking measures to identify and correct simple application errors on the phone. The optimizations introduced now help the service center:

Cost savings due to a reduction of unnecessary operations

Increased customer satisfaction through better customer support

Better customer ratings on online portals

Since this optimization was implemented in the on-site services, customer satisfaction with regard to the service center's customer support has doubled. The positive customer ratings on the online portals brought the service center new customers at zero acquisition costs.

Would you like to increase customer satisfaction of your on-site services immediately? Book a demo and we show you how!